Abacus training online

The Role of Abacus in Developing Cognitive Skills in Children

The abacus, an ancient calculating tool, is still widely used today for its effectiveness in...
Public Speaking & Python Programming

Boost Confidence & Tech Skills: Public Speaking & Python Programming Summer Camp

Is your child eager for an exciting summer adventure? Brain-O-Magic Summer Camp program offers a...
Math Courses for Kids

Enhance Your Child’s Mathematical Skills with Abacus at Brain-O-Magic

In today’s world, a strong foundation in math is more important than ever. It unlocks...
Improve Mental Math

Tips to Improve Your Child’s Concentration and the Role of Abacus

Does your child struggle to focus for long periods?  Are homework battles a daily occurrence?...
Best Abacus Programs for Kids

Abacus Helps In Brain Development In Young Kids

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to perform mental math quickly and accurately is a...
online abacus classes

Why is Learning Abacus Important for Your Kids

In today’s fast-paced world, where technological advancements seem to drive every aspect of our lives...
math programs for kids

12 Practices to Improve Student’s Mental Math

In the realm of mathematics, mental math prowess is akin to a superpower. Being able...
6 Benefits of Online Mental Math Programs

6 Amazing Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in Abacus-Based Mental Math Programs

In today’s fast-paced world, where proficiency in mathematics is a key to success, it’s essential...
Conquer Math Anxiety with Mental Mathematics

Abacus Mental Math: A Proven Strategy for Overcoming Math Anxiety in Kids

Introduction: Math anxiety is a common issue among children, often leading to frustration, avoidance, and...